
On Purity....

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gracelikerain316's avatar

Literature Text


You tell me I'm beautiful,

A Princess,

That my life would have more value

If not defined

By sex

But all the works and self help

Can't change

The filth on my soul and the dirt of overuse

Sin and abuse


So don't tell me theres hope

A checklist

Of purity and principle in


Of direction

Because it's a lie without Jesus

The Christ

Hope alone in the blood that washes clean

Pure white


Self help won't ever help

Unless Truth

Shines through the message

In Christ


How can we get 'better'?

Without first

Acknowledging Him who first loved us

And died

To Redeem

Alive in Him now my stains are cleansed


In His blood alone is the freedom and will

To Live

For Him

So yes, I'm the daughter, the beloved

Of the King

Whose blood alone overcomes the curse of my sin



So don't tell me half the truth

As if

All my 'better person'-ing could make me acceptable

To the One

Who's Perfect...

Without what Jesus did.

Purity is in Him and for Him.
I'm sorry if this poem is a little harsh, but it is a poem in protest against the well meaning 'Christian' version of purity teaching for women that ignores the cross and focusses just on what we can do to better ourselves. Tell us not just that we have hope.. but why!

We do need to hear affirmation, encouragement and truth about purity and virginity... but we also need to hear the Gospel, the Cross.. where our stains are healed and our ability to overcome sin through Jesus comes from. Without the Truth all we have is glorified self help. And assurance in our own ability to 'keep ourselves nice'.

And as a Jimmy Needham song goes.. 'and no one has ever been saved by their good intentions'
© 2007 - 2024 gracelikerain316
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SALTYMagazine's avatar
WOW! WOW! POWerful!.... you hit the nail on the head.

A broken creation can't fix it self... on the Creator :-)